Surviving the Black Day!

Today is a Black Day in India! Sixteen years after the demolition of the Babri Masjid mosque, the angst is still felt everywhere in India on this particular day! On every 6th of December citizens of all religions are chanting only one prayer: “there shouldn’t be any mishap today and I and my family should return home safe and sound!” Frankly speaking I did not know much about Black Day till yesterday. Many of my friends started getting alert messages over their cell phones to be careful about December 6th, the Black Day of India! They warned them to stay against all troubled areas, people and public spots too. Several of them in fact were strictly asked to stay back at home too.

My day today started off with news reports regarding the beefed up securities across India. All the metro cities and prominent places in the cities were put on high alert! The police spent sleepless nights over the past few days to ensure that the security measures were flawless. All places including hospitals, airports, hotels, malls, temples, market areas, mosques etc were all under radar, inspected, searched and protected. The Police people were all around the country, cities and everywhere highly vigilant and active. Wow! To be frank, for a change they were all actually performing their duties, that too sincerely! And luckily thanks to our dear police men or our own dear stars, nothing happened today (at least till I wrote this post!).

Hmm however as I resort to bed, this wild thought crosses across my mind! I wish every day was a Black Day in India! The same angst that was felt today was felt by the police and the other authorities in India all through the 365 days in a year! I wish the police and the security forces were as responsible as they were in the past two days or so in order to ensure there was no security breaches in the cities and the country. I wish we people were protected the same way as we were secured and protected today, the Black Day! I wish the police would be on the streets and all around us, earnestly performing their duties and being the proud citizens of India rather than collecting bribes and harassing civilians! I wish! I wish! I wish!

If all of the above were to happen throughout the year and if the governing bodies and other authorities were performing their duties aptly, with vigilance, then we need not have to see another 26/11 or a Malegaon bomb blast or any such incidences where the innocent people are killed in hundreds and thousands! If this thought of mine were to come true, then we need not lose our dear mothers and fathers or brothers and sisters or even sons and daughters for that matter any in bomb blasts or any such terrorist or anti social activities and be left orphans! If this thought of mine were to become a reality, then all of us could all lead a peaceful life and not blame our best buddy Pakistan or any other terrorist organizations or an external factor or element for our internal failures!!!